Usage with Three.js

Using Three.js with Playroom Kit

three.js (opens in a new tab) is a general purpose 3D library for Javascript.

Playroom works great with three.js to make multiplayer 3D games. Below is a live preview of a simple flying plane game adapted from this code by Codrops (opens in a new tab).

Touch the screen to fly the plane.


Below are the interesting bits from the full code (opens in a new tab) for the above example.

async function init(event){
  // Init Playroom, let players create their profiles.
  await insertCoin(); 
  // Create the touch joystick.
  // Create the scene, lights, sea, sky, etc.
  // Create the plane(s) when the player joins.
  onPlayerJoin((state) => {
    const plane = createPlane(state.getProfile().color.hex);
    players.push({ state, plane });
    // Remove the plane when the player leaves.
    state.onQuit(() => {
      players = players.filter((p) => p.state != state);
  // Start the game loop.
function createJoystick() {
  // Create a joystick, listen for events, and pass the events to the Playroom.
  const joystick = nipplejs.create();
  joystick.on("plain", (e, data) => {
    myPlayer().setState("dir", data.direction);
  joystick.on("end", () => {
    myPlayer().setState("dir", undefined);
function loop(){
  if (isHost()) {
    // Host screen: Update the plane positions based on the joystick input.
    for (const player of players) {
      const controls = player.state.getState("dir") || {};
      const curPos = player.state.getState("pos") || { x: 0, y: 0 };
      if (controls.x == "left") {
        curPos.x = Math.max(-0.4, curPos.x - 0.01);
      } else if (controls.x == "right") {
        curPos.x = Math.min(0.4, curPos.x + 0.01);
      if (controls.y == "up") {
        curPos.y = Math.min(1, curPos.y + 0.01);
      } else if (controls.y == "down") {
        curPos.y = Math.max(-1, curPos.y - 0.01);
      player.state.setState("pos", curPos);
      updatePlane(player.plane, curPos);
  } else {
    // Non-host screen: Update the plane positions based on the states from the host.
    for (const player of players) {
      const pos = player.state.getState("pos");
      if (pos) {
        updatePlane(player.plane, pos);