DQN Bot Integration with Playroom


The Playroom SDK offers a seamless integration with the Deep Q-Network (DQN) bot, providing a powerful tool for developers aiming to harness the capabilities of reinforcement learning in their games. The integrated DQN Agent means you don’t have to start from scratch – simply configure, train (if required), and use.

How DQN Bot Integration Works

1. Import DQN Bot

Start by importing the 'DQNBot' from the 'playroomkit'

import { insertCoin, onPlayerJoin, DQNBaseBot } from 'playroomkit';

2. Initialization Using insertCoin

To activate the DQN bot within your game, you'll employ the insertCoin method. Here's a comprehensive breakdown:

  ... other parameters,
  enableBots: true, // Signals the SDK to activate the DQN bot
  botOptions: {
    botClass: DQNBaseBot, // Specifies the DQN bot class
    botParams: {
      numberOfStates: x,  // Replace 'x' with the number of states you want to pass to the agent
      numberOfActions: y, // Replace 'y' with the number of potential actions the bot can take
      // OPTIONAL: Customize hyperparameters. If not specified, the following default values are utilized:
      specifications: {
        gamma: 0.75,  // Discount factor for future rewards
        epsilon: 0.1,  // Exploration rate in epsilon-greedy strategy
        alpha: 0.01,  // Learning rate
        experience_add_every: 25,  // Frequency of adding experiences to the replay memory
        experience_size: 5000,  // Size of the replay memory
        learning_steps_per_iteration: 10,  // Number of learning steps per iteration
        tderror_clamp: 1.0,  // Clamp to prevent large TD errors
        num_hidden_units: 100,  // Number of neurons in the hidden layer
      // OPTIONAL: If you have pretrained weights or previous training data
      weights: {
        // Serialized pretrained weights
        modelWeights: "{\"nh\":100,\"ns\":11,\"na\":19,\"net\":{\"W1\":{\"n\":100,\"d\":11,\"w\":{\"0\":0.0013967478508977644,\"1\":-0.004024754355529853,\"2\":-0.005107000776689768,\"3\,....}}}}"
        iterations: previousIterationsCount, // Previous training iterations count
        rewards: previousRewardValue, // Cumulative reward from previous sessions
        startTime: previousStartTime, // Start time from previous training sessions
      // OPTIONAL: Automatically stores model weights to local storage and load while initialization of bot
      // Defaults to true, won't retreive from local storage if weights are given
      retrieveFromLocalStorage: true
    // OPTIONAL: Enable training mode to visualize and interact with the bot's learning process
    trainingMode: true
}).then(() => {
  // Callback or subsequent logic after the bot initialization completes

3. Integrating DQN Bot Actions Within Game Loop

To achieve a smooth gameplay experience, you'll incorporate the bot's decisions within your game loop:

if (player.isBot()) {
    const currentState = [/* array of x numbers or booleans representing the game state */];
    const chosenAction = player.bot.act(currentState); // Get the bot's chosen action based on the current state
    // Implement the chosen action in the game
    // If you're training the bot, provide a reward based on the outcome of the chosen action
    const rewardValue = computeReward(chosenAction);

To train the bot, continually provide rewards based on its actions to refine its decision-making capabilities. If you wish to use the bot without additional training, simply utilize the DQN bot's decisions without supplying reward feedback.


By integrating the DQN bot with Playroom's SDK, game developers can delve into the captivating realm of reinforcement learning. Whether you're keen on crafting an intelligent adversary or an adept ally, the DQN bot facilitates a thrilling gaming experience.