📜 | Changelog

Version Changes

An overview of what's new in each version of playroomkit:

v0.0.32- Fix type mismatches in TypeScript d.ts types file in the bundle.
v0.0.31- Added avatars option to insertCoin method to allow overriding player avatar options to a custom list of images. PlayerState.getProfile() now has a .avatarIndex property with the player selected avatar's index; from the list initially provided.
- Changed lobby UI from purple to black so it's more neutral and compatible with any game styling.
v0.0.30- Added TypeScript Types for all APIs.
- Changed Gamepad API to use buttons provided to Joystick API instead of just firing button1, button2, etc.
v0.0.29- Added allowGamepads flag to insertCoin method to allow players to use gamepads to control the game when streamMode is also enabled.
v0.0.28- Fixed a minor bug in Joystick API and added zones to Joystick API to allow customizing the button-like triggers that fire on joystick's direction movement.
v0.0.27- Added Joystick API to allow controlling the game using a virtual joystick.
v0.0.26- Fix a timing bug where newer state change coming from unreliable (WebRTC) is discarded in favor of older state coming from reliable (WebSockets).
v0.0.24- Added baseUrl option to insertCoin method to allow customizing the base url of the game.
v0.0.23- Fixed setState bug where object typed state is not updated properly.
v0.0.20- Fixed issue where game running inside an iframe won't be able to copy link to clipboard, so we show an alternative way to copy link
v0.0.19- Added setState and getState methods to set or get multiplayer state
v0.0.18- Fixed issue where disconnected player won't disappear from all screens.
- Fixed issue where profile is not reflected to all screens.
v0.0.17- Added isStreamScreen() method to check if game is running on stream screen.